The Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Judicial System and Law Enforcement Agencies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a field session on the issue of decriminalization of criminal offences in the sphere of economic activity.
The discussion was attended by the Executive Director of the Institute of Parliamentarism under the UDP RK Almas Kanatov and Secretary of the Expert Council at the Institute Vladimir Volkov.
Opening the meeting Chairman of the Committee Nurlan Beknazarov reminded that in his Address the President emphasized the importance of creating a favorable business climate in the country and building a constructive dialogue between government and business.
During the event, Vice-Minister of Justice Alma Mukanova told about the analysis conducted by the concerned bodies aimed at identifying the norms to be decriminalized. The Vice-Minister noted that the body conducting pre-trial investigation, it is proposed to exclude some norms of criminal law due to their insignificance and infrequency of use in practice.
At the end of the event, Senator Nurlan Beknazarov noted that in order to implement the instructions of the President and increase the level of protection of entrepreneurs, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and interested government agencies are tasked to develop legislative norms aimed at further improving the Criminal Code in terms of decriminalization of a number of criminal offenses in the field of economic activity.