November 30, 2023 on the platform of the Institute of Parliamentarism under the UDP RK
expert discussion of the draft Law "On Detective Activity" was held.
The expert meeting was attended by representatives of the Institute of Parliamentarism, state law enforcement agencies, the National Center for Human Rights, the Republican Bar Association, legal scholars, as well as independent experts.
In his speech, Director of the Institute of Parliamentarism Kanatbek Safinov noted that the experts of the Institute provide consultative assistance to improve the legislation on draft laws initiated by deputies.
The draft law "On Detective Activity" is aimed at regulating social relations arising in connection with the implementation of this activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It defines the legal basis and procedure for the provision of detective services.
The purpose of the bill is to create a legal framework for the institution of detective activity in the country, aimed at expanding the ability of citizens to protect their rights and legitimate interests.
The participants of the expert meeting noted the relevance of legal regulation of detective activity at the level of law.
detective activity at the level of the law. At the same time, they made a number of substantial and specific proposals on the draft law. Problematic aspects were noted, in particular, the issues of ensuring constitutional rights and freedoms of a person in the implementation of detective activities.
At the end of the workshop, the experts noted the need to continue work on further improvement of this draft law.