Deputy Director of the Institute of Parliamentarism under the UDP RK Lyazzat Suleimen took part in the discussion of the draft law on ensuring women's rights and children's safety.
On January 8, Astana hosted a round table "Legislative changes and the formation of a culture of inadmissibility of violence in society," organized by the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan Zakieva D.B. with the participation of Commissioner for Human Rights Lastaev A.E., members of the Senate, members of the National Commission on Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professors Borchashvili I.Sh., Kogamov M.Ch., Institute of Parliamentarism, experts, lawyers, prominent public figures and regional ombudspersons for children's rights.
Within the framework of the round table, Child Rights Commissioner Dinara Zakieva familiarized the participants with the main norms of the draft law on ensuring women's rights and children's safety, prepared jointly with state bodies, deputies from the faction of AMANAT party within the framework of implementation of the Address of the Head of State.
It should be noted that the bill is now at the conclusion of the government and at the end of this month should be received by the Majilis for discussion in the working group.
Also considered were the need to address issues related to strengthening the staffing of services responsible for the implementation of measures to protect women and children, the solution of problems contributing to disadvantage, addiction, the need to disseminate information about the state helpline 111.
The round table participants emphasized the importance of everyone's participation in shaping the ideology of inadmissibility of violence.