A meeting was held in the Mazhilis of the Parliament to discuss the main approaches to the draft law "On Real Estate Activities", with the participation of representatives of government agencies, in particular the Ministry of Industry and Construction, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, the Financial Monitoring Agency, the NAO State Corporation "Government for Citizens", NCE "Atameken", OUL and IP "Self-regulating Association of Realtors of Kazakhstan".
The initiator of the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Real estate activity" is Marhabat Zhayymbetov, deputy, member of the Finance and Budget Committee of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At the event, the head of the Center for Private Legislation of the Institute of Parliamentarism Kabylbayeva Meruert Alikhanovna familiarized the participants with the main approaches to working on the draft law. The chief specialist of the Center for Private Legislation of the Institute of Parliamentarism, Ph.D. Zhaskairat Mira Zhaskairatovna, highlighted the features of contractual relations in real estate activities.
During the meeting, positions were expressed on the need to develop a law on real estate activities. In particular, according to a representative of the Financial Monitoring Agency, the need to regulate real estate activities is due to the fact that the market of real estate services is characterized by a high proportion of the shadow sector and the possibilities of capital laundering.
During this period, according to the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the number of active realtors is 760, of which only 186 are registered in AFM.