On September 18, 2024, the Institute of Parliamentarism became a platform for discussion on rulemaking. The event was attended by leading Kazakhstani experts such as Elena Bychkova, Saule Aitpayeva, Alibek Temerbekov, Askar Kaldybayev.
The opening speech was given to the director of the Institute, Doctor of Law Safinov Kanatbek Beisenbekovich. He stressed the importance of an integrated approach to various aspects of law-making, noting the need for a deeper analysis and understanding of the process of creating regulations. He pointed out the importance of interaction between different levels of law-making to ensure consistency and effectiveness of legal norms.
During the discussion, the key principles necessary for the development of legislative acts were highlighted: humanism, publicity and publicity, scientific validity, competence, consistency and complexity.
The experts noted the importance of the correct application of these principles in legislation and asked the question: is it possible to fully integrate all the principles into each law, or should the legal doctrine be used as a basic guideline for their implementation?
Special attention was paid to the principle of humanism. The participants discussed whether it could be applied to all branches of law or whether its use should be limited to certain areas.
The principles of publicity and publicity have also sparked lively discussions. The participants considered how interchangeable or complementary they are, and whether one principle can absorb the other.
The results of the meeting confirmed the need for further improvement of the law-making process and systematic work on the quality of legislation. The Institute of Parliamentarism will continue research in this area, striving to ensure that every law is not the same.